Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Myers Briggs Profile

How can we learn more about our personality and our relationships?  What is my true path to wholeness and holiness?  How can my psychological dynamics connect to my spiritual healing?  What causes my stress and anxiety levels to increase?  These questions and more can be answered through the Myers Briggs Type Indicator Instrument.

Katherine Myers and Isabel Briggs worked with Carl Jung in the development of a personality profile assessment instrument that identifies our psychological makeup.  They developed a 4 letter combination profile from worldly energy levels, ways to take in information, methods on making decisions, and attitudes about the world.  They can be summarized as follows:
1.  extraversion versus introversion
2.  sensing versus intuition
3.  thinking versus feeling
4.  judgement versus perception

Using these pairs of personality instruments, Myers Briggs developed a 4 letter combination that describes our personality and psychological dynamics.

If one's letters are INFJ, the individual is energized in a reflective world (introversion), takes in information by looking at the possibilities (intuition), makes a decision with their heart (feeling), and lives a very planned life-style (judgement).  There are 15 other combinations that form rooms that we can visit, but we need to return to our own room for comfort.

At Body Naturals, our holistic wellness team will help you understand this instrument in a detailed way, explaining this profile and how it may help in your life journey.

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